As we step into a new era, we are constantly experiencing a growing challenge. The latest buzz word in our professional diction has been ‘Skills’ and ‘Opportunity’. We always wondered, what seems to be the pain area… Is it lack of ‘Opportunity’ OR absence of ‘Skills’. Let’s say, both are a valid rationale behind our concerns. Are we to wait for things to change on its own...? The answer in most likelihood would be a resounding NO.Before we dive deeper, here are some facts to ponder upon. # The number of Graduates India produces every year is equivalent to the population of Switzerland # The employability penetration especially in Non-IT Sector in India is between 10% - 16% # There is a huge gap between Demand & Supply. And this gap is not because of lack of ‘Opportunities’. The gap is primarily because of ‘Skillset’ disparityAll these facts point towards a severe contradictory scenario we are facing and that’s something alarming.Jobmela.Online® is a catalyst combining the 2 key factors – ‘Opportunity’ & ‘Skills’. We aim to create a platform to bridge the gap between Employers & Job Seekers. And most importantly, we intend to transform the Skill Demographics of the job seekers to make them a ‘Potential Employee’.